Dr. Mache Blog


Covid-19 And Routine Care: Staying Healthy and Happy While You Wait

Remember BC (before Covid-19)? You could call up your doctor, dentist, optician, physical therapist, etc, and book an appointment. You could also go to work, travel, go to a restaurant, visit friends, and just live your life.   Time to change your mindset! Most people have been living in social isolation. Even though it is keeping …


Musical Monday – Hindsight versus Foresight

Isn’t it amazing how being stuck in social isolation can make you feel like you aren’t getting anything done. It’s easy to feel that way. People sometimes don’t stop to appreciate that just by keeping social distancing, washing their hands and wearing a face mask, they’re actually accomplishing a lot, for themselves and for society. …


What is Puberty, Menstruation, Perimenopause and Menopause?

In this time of stay at home isolation, millions of women are not able to go to their healthcare providers for routine care. And for women in perimenopause and menopause, that creates a lot of stress for dealing with work, relationships and self-esteem. As a women’s wellness and menopause expert and author of the best …


Menopause and Domestic Violence in the Time of Covid-19

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, we’ve been told to stay home because it is safer. But for an increasing number of women, that couldn’t be further from the truth. And I’m not talking about Covid-19. What if the person you are required to stay at home with is physically or mentally abusive and you have …


Non-Surgical Treatment for Bladder Dropping or Stress Incontinence

Feeling your internal organs dropping is an embarrassing and worrisome problem. The medical term is pelvic prolapse. Or you may have loss of urine when you cough, sneeze, or exercise. This is called stress incontinence. Many women will not share these problems with her doctor because they worry it will require surgery or they are …