Musical Monday – Hindsight versus Foresight


Isn’t it amazing how being stuck in social isolation can make you feel like you aren’t getting anything done. It’s easy to feel that way. People sometimes don’t stop to appreciate that just by keeping social distancing, washing their hands and wearing a face mask, they’re actually accomplishing a lot, for themselves and for society.

Sometimes we need to tweak our perspective on how we view what we’ve accomplished. In this short story, you’ll discover that hindsight is better than foresight. It’s intended to help you feel better about where you are. It’s written and narrated by me with Ben Schwendener playing one of my original musical pieces. Click Here to listen to Hindsight versus Foresight.

I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful. I always like to know what you think so please leave me a note. If you’d like to hear more of my music, Click Here.

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