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Why Women Gain Belly Fat During Menopause

I was recently interviewed by my good friend, Kimberly Doehnert, who is an IFBB Pro, Celebrity Trainer and Fitness Expert. In this interview we discussed one of the vexing problems that women complain of as they enter and pass through menopause – belly fat. They call it menopot, muffin top, jelly belly and lot of …


Music Monday – Love is Blind, Original Love Song

Today’s Music Monday is a love song. It’s one I wrote a few years ago for a musical and it’s called Love is Blind. It’s a somewhat moody love song about feeling love with all the senses. Here are the lyrics for Love is Blind: Love is blind It hides within recesses of our minds …


Music Monday: Laugh – ‘Cause we all need a good laugh

When was the last time you had a really good belly laugh? Not a forced chuckle. Not a timid ha, ha, ha.  I’m talking about a rip roaring, tears rolling down your cheek belly laugh?   It’s been so long ago for so many that it can be hard to remember.  This year has been …


Music Monday: Quit Smoking…for the Great American SmokeOut

I’m sure you know smoking isn’t healthy. Most discussions are about the risk of lung cancer. But did you know that cigarette smoking increases the risk of intracranial aneurysms in middle-aged women?     According to a recent article published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, “Women aged between 30 and 60 years with …


Menopause and Depression: 5 Treatments to Feel Better

Feeling sad, sometimes depressed, anxious, or moody? You are not alone. These are very common symptom around the time of menopause. It has a lot to do with the wide swings of hormones that occur in midlife. The hormones estrogen and progesterone become unbalanced and have a huge impact on mood. That’s why women who …


Music Monday: Diabetes Song; Diabetes and Menopause

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. For women in menopause, there is a lot to understand about diabetes. Many common symptoms of menopause and also happen if you have diabetes. Both conditions can lead to: Hot Flashes Sweating Frequent urination Foggy thinking Irritability Tiredness   Diabetes is the number 6 killer of women ages 45 to …


Menopause, Stress and You

Menopause is stressful; hormonal changes, sleep changes, mood swings, and more. Throw in the economic issues we’re now facing, 100,000 new cases per day of a pandemic, and all the social and political tensions people are facing in this country right now, and everywhere you turn there is stress. You don’t have to be a …


Music Monday: Lullaby for Flute and Piano – Relaxing ambient music

There is a lot going on right now – Covid, economy, election! So it seemed the best choice for a Music Monday was a few minutes of relaxation. This is one of my favorite pieces that I’ve written. Piano by Ben Schwendener, flute by Ewe Steinmetz. It’s called Lullaby for Flute and Piano. it’s from …


Recommended Supplements for Menopause

One of the common questions I’m asked is what supplements to take. Even if you eat a well balanced diet, it can still be helpful to get certain minerals and vitamins into your diet. But which ones? And how much?   Dietary supplement recommendations vary as we age and as you might expect, what is …


Music Monday: Healthy Halloween, Avoid Covid19

It’s that time of year, when all the ghosts and goblins come out, ring your doorbell, and hope to get  one of their favorite candies. And they eat a lot of it. Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy a year for Halloween. During Halloween week, 90 million pounds of chocolate candy is sold. …

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