Dr. Mache Blog


Change Your Diet, Lower Your Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are one of the most bothersome menopause symptoms.   Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could lower the hot flashes by just changing what you eat?   That’s what a new study in the journal Menopause evaluated — the difference that food makes on lowering hot flashes.   The study included 84 postmenopausal …


Overweight? It’s Not Your Fault!

If you are overweight, it is not your fault.    And if you are carrying too much weight, you are not alone — it is one of  our nation’s biggest health issues.    According to World Population Review, over one in three adults in the United States is obese. Two out of three US adults …


One Simple Food Swap to Weight Loss

The holiday season is tough if you’re trying to lose weight. Most people will gain a few pounds with just a nibble here and bite or two over there. And losing weight isn’t easy, even in when the holidays are far behind us. But a recent study in the Lancet came up with one simple …


Got Anxiety? Meditate don’t Medicate!

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. Some studies show that approximately 33.7 percent of (3 in every 10) Americans will have an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.   The go-to treatment for anxiety disorders …


Finally! Menopause is Getting Some Attention!

Finally, the US is starting to make some headway in supporting midlife women. Kudos to Reps. Cindy Axne, D-Iowa, and David McKinley, R-W.Va., who have introduced a bipartisan bill in Congress called The Menopause Research Bill, which will according to a West Virginia press release, “jumpstart research into finding new treatments for symptoms caused by …


Hormone Therapy for Aging Transgender Women

Just completing the 2022 North American Menopause Society meeting held in Atlanta, October 12-15. One of the many interesting talks dealt with the menopause symptoms and challenges of transgender women. Hormone Therapy (HT) is confusing for cisgender women, but it can be even much more so for transgender women. Because they are transitioning from male …


Nurturing the Nurturer: Supporting Female Physicians and Nurses in Menopause

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Menopause Society designated October as World Menopause Month. Women in Medicine Are Impacted by Menopause Although there is a lot of discussion about menopause among women in general, there is much less discussion about women in medicine who are going through menopause and the need to support …