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Hot Flashes: 5 Tips for Considering OTC Supplements

If hot flashes are making your life unbearable, OTC remedies may be a solution to consider. Over-the-counter supplements can provide non-estrogen relief for women experiencing premenopausal hot flashes but, like anything worthwhile, it takes some patience and commitment. That’s not something people want to hear especially today when we’ve been conditioned to expect things quickly.  …


Why Condoms Are Prolife

Boston College in Newton, Massachusetts recently send students distributing condoms out of their dorms a warning that they might face disciplinary actions. These students were part of an unofficial student group called BC Students for Sexual Health. These students send out information on male and female condoms, lubricants and pamphlets without cost so students could …


Hypnosis To Lower Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are never easy to treat, especially if you decide not to take estrogen and progesterone. And two recent possiblities for non-estrogen prescriptions failed to get FDA approval. Now a new study suggests that maybe all you need to do to lower hot flashes is just get hypnotized. A study in the March 2013 …


Breast Cancer and Risk of Radiation on Your Heart

A new article in the New England Journal of Medicine that came out today showed that women who receive radiotherapy for breast cancer have a higher risk of ischemic heart disease. The authors studied 2168 women who had radiotherapy for breast cancer between 1958 and 2001 in Sweden and Denmark. Within 5 years of receiving …


A Sad Day for Hot Flash Sufferers – FDA Fails Two Hot Flash Medicines

Monday the FDA failed to approve two new medications for hot flashes. The Advisers for the FDA felt the benefits did not sufficiently outweigh the risks. The first medication was for a drug made by Depomed Inc, which failed 12 to 2. The panel also voted 10-4 against approving a drug for hot flashes made by Hisamitsu …


New Drug For Painful Sex

Tuesday February 26th the FDA approved a new drug for painful sex. It’s called Osphena and it is a selective estrogen receptor modulator or SERM. This medication is similar to other medications iof this type such as Tamoxifen and Raloxifene. SERMs activate some tissues that are sensitive to estrogen such as in this case, the …


Early Surgical Menopause Causes Loss of Memory and Thinking

A new study found that women who had their ovaries removed by surgery before they were in menopause had an increased loss of both thinking and memory loss. Taking estrogen afterward slowed down the rate of loss. The study included 1837 women who were at least 53 years of age. The one third of the …


Is Marriage Healthy For You?

I wrote this post in honor of Valentines Day. To get the answer to this question with all the details to explain why, please click here Click here to read it on Care 2 and Click Here to can get a Free Download of a love song I wrote called One True Love.


Apple Juice Bad, Eating the Apple Prevents Cancer

It’s a snowy day in New England with 3 feet of fresh snow just outside my door so it seemed like a good day to post a note about healthy food to eat before going out to shovel. Turns out that apple juice, that great and abundant liquid we think is doing us and our …


Martin Luther King Quote

I came across this quote and image of MLK. It seems appropriate for the day and time.

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