Tag - mood swings


7 Most Common Menopause Symptoms

Many women don’t realize they are having common menopause symptoms. They may see three or more doctors for their symptoms before they figure out that all of them are due to one reason – hormonal changes that occur naturally in every women. One of the reasons it’s so hard to realize the symptoms are due …


Anger – A Dangerous Predator

It lies crouching in the tall grass Barely out of sight but never far from awareness. Creeping stealthily forward, Seeking a vulnerable moment to pounce. {Click Here to hear me narrate this over a score of original music. }   Quietly at first, momentarily freezing, Crawling ever closer, Its eyes focused, its muscles tensed, Breathing …


Relief for Menopause Mood Swings

Q: I’ve just started perimenopause, and my mood swings are driving me crazy! I’m happy as a lark one minute…mad at the world the next…and then so sad that I’m weeping over cat-food commercials. How can I stay on a more even keel? A: Mood swings are one of the top complaints from women who …


Exercise Lowers Menopause Symptoms

If you are in menopause and sitting on your bottom waiting for your hot flashes, mood swings and irritability to get better, it’s time to get up and start exercising. A study in the journal Menopause investigated 176 symptomatic women in menopause age 45 to 63 and had them do aerobic exercise for 50 minutes …