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Does Your Plate Look Like MyPlate?

As a child, I was extremely fat. At the ripe old age of 29 months, there was a front-page article about me in the Galveston Daily News: Mighty Mite – the fattest child in Galveston County. My grandparents thought a fat baby was a healthy baby. We now know a fat baby is often not …


Alternative Approaches to HRT

It’s new years but hot flashes get old in a hurry. Estrogen can work for most women with low estrogen, but many women can’t take it and others just prefer an alternative route. Fortunately, there are things you can do that help reduce the hot flashes for many women. Here are some suggestions I make …


10 Stress Tips To Reduce Stress

The holidays are wonderful; and wonderfully stressful. Families get together and reconnect, and sometimes things get a bit stressful. With all the food and stress around, it’s no small wonder that many people have a tendency to eat….and eat. And often it’s not the best food choices. But there are some things you can do …


Santa's 5 Healthy Changes To Fit Down Chimneys

Santa’s recent inablility to fit down the chimney has resulted in him trading in his perennial request for cookies by the chimney to wanting a small fruit and veggie platter. His decision came just hours after the red clad, ruby cheeked Christmas icon received his latest medical report from his doctor. Both his weight and …


Benefits of Flaxseed for Hot Flashes

Since HRT carries hormone side effects, I’m constantly looking for the best alternative treatment to use for low estrogen in menopause. This is particularly true for women with breast cancer. The results seem to always be mixed for alternative treatments and the benefits of flaxseed is no exception. Flaxseeds contain a plant estrogen or phytoestrogen. …


Is Adult Obesity in America A Disease or A Disability?

It has finally happened; the beginning of a debate to define obesity. Is it a disease, a self-inflicted quality that can be avoided and therefore penalized, or a disability to be discriminated against or fined? A recent Gallop survey of absenteeism among unhealthy American workers found chronic disease tied heavily with obesity. Chronic diseases are …


7 Fast Food Facts to Get Healthy Fast Food

Health fast food doesn’t exactly go together, even if the menu suggests you’re making a “healthy” choice. For instance, a McDonald’s Fruit & Maple Oatmeal contains more sugar than a Snickers bar. That’s why it’s so important to read the labels and find out what’s in it. Unfortunately, most people don’t. A recent survey by …


New Christmas Song For Military – Daddy's Coming Home

Click image below to hear song. Scroll down for words to song. Daddy’s Coming Home For Christmas November 1, President Obama signed a Presidential Proclamation making November Military Family Month. This Christmas season many of our troops will be coming home. I wrote this new Christmas song for them, for the soldiers coming home, for …


Overweight men with diabetes who lose weight gain erections and libido

Overweight men often have health problems. But now overweight men with type 2 diabetes have another reason to lose weight – it improves erectile dysfunction. A study from Singapore published over the past few months in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that losing 5% to 10% of weight (for a 200 pound man that’s …


Music To Treat High Blood Pressure & Causes of Stess

There are some songs that just make me stop, listen and relax. Ever happen to you? More and more studies are proving it’s more than coincidence. Music is being used to lower blood pressure, and reduce pain and stress symptoms among other things. Reports indicate that up to 85% of primary care visits are attributed …

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