
Breast Cancer and Risk of Radiation on Your Heart

A new article in the New England Journal of Medicine that came out today showed that women who receive radiotherapy for breast cancer have a higher risk of ischemic heart disease. The authors studied 2168 women who had radiotherapy for breast cancer between 1958 and 2001 in Sweden and Denmark. Within 5 years of receiving …


Apple Juice Bad, Eating the Apple Prevents Cancer

It’s a snowy day in New England with 3 feet of fresh snow just outside my door so it seemed like a good day to post a note about healthy food to eat before going out to shovel. Turns out that apple juice, that great and abundant liquid we think is doing us and our …


Long Term Life Insurance – What You Need to Know

Long term life insurance is one of those things that many people wish they had purchased if and when they need it; but many of my patients really don’t understand what it is, why they need it or when to buy it. For that reason, I created a video that answers those question so you …


Sharon Osborne Has Double Mastectomy Due To BRCA Gene Mutation

Sharon Osborn, judge on America’s Got Talent, recently had a bilateral mastectomy due to her having a gene known to increase breast cancer  – the BReast CAncer or BRCA gene. The gene is also associated with an increase in ovarian and colon cancer. Many people don’t realize that the BRCA gene is also associated with …


5 Tips For a Better Mammogram

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends women get a mammogram each year after age 40. Here are 5 tips the ACS recommends to make your experience better. 1. LOCATION: Find a center that specializes in mammograms and certified by the US Food and Drug Administration. You can ask to see that certificate when you register …


Tips on Using Suncreen To Prevent Aging & Cancer

I came across this short video about sunscreens – which ones to use, how much, how strong and think it will be helpful to you – not only in preventing skin cancer but also in preventing aging. http://bit.ly/Mjm3wV Click Here to get my free monthly newsletter filled with tips and information.


Radiation Causes Fatigue That Gets Better With Time

There is good news for women who have early stage breast cancer and require treatment with radiation. Although fatigue is a common experience, only about 6% of women treated suffer from fatigue 1 year later. A new study of 218 Australian women with early stage breast cancer treated with either adjuvant radiation, chemotherapy, or both, can …


Colonoscopy Song on Huff Post

Please see my new blog on the Huffington Post. It’s about how a song can save your life.


Colon Cancer in Perimenopause and Menopause

When I say, “Mammogram,” most women in menopause have had one. But when I say “Colonoscopy” many women in perimenopause or menopause have not. March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and I’m hoping the answer to the colonoscopy question will change. Women in perimenopause and menopause are more likely to die of colon cancer than …


New Study on Sexual Satisfaction in Older Women: Use It, Don't Lose It

Aging Americans can and do enjoy high levels of sexual satisfaction. A new study published in the January 2012 issue of the American Journal of Medicine on sexual activity in older American women contained both good news and potential concerns. The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine study,[1] followed 806 older women in …

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