Hair Loss In Women: There Is A Treatment


Hair loss for women can be embarrassing and frightening. I recently talked to Dr. Ryan Welter on the subject and he provided us with great insight into the common problem.

Hair loss in women is more common than one would think. Hair loss has always been highlighted as a men’s health issue, but studies have shown that 50% of women 50 years or older have some amount of hair loss. Many things can attribute to women’s hair loss, the most common being pregnancy, menopause, and a hormonal imbalance.

So how can you tell if you have hair loss and what can you do about it?

Have you noticed an unusual or abundant amount of hair loss in the shower or in your hairbrush? Do you have thinning hair or spots on your scalp where hair has stopped growing? These are all common signs of hair loss.

It’s very common for a women’s first reaction to hair loss to be to cover it up. In today’s society, it is a natural instinct for women to use make up or style their hair differently or just cover it completely to avoid the problem. But that is not necessary!

Dr. Ryan Welter explained that with proper tests and a proper diagnosis, there is a treatment, and the sooner you see a doctor, the better the results. Seek out a hair loss specialist, like Dr. Welter to accurately diagnose the problem. He explained that when seeing a dermatologist they might check iron levels and do other small tests. Typically when patients make appointments to see him they have not been properly tested.

You don’t have to tolerate thinning hair anymore. Find a specialist, get properly tested, and get treated.


Until next time, Dr. Mache Seibel

Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Founder My Menopause Magazine

PS: Find more information of this type in My Menopause Magazine, available for the iPad in the Apple Newsstand.

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