Category - Breast Cancer


Sharon Osborne Has Double Mastectomy Due To BRCA Gene Mutation

Sharon Osborn, judge on America’s Got Talent, recently had a bilateral mastectomy due to her having a gene known to increase breast cancer  – the BReast CAncer or BRCA gene. The gene is also associated with an increase in ovarian and colon cancer. Many people don’t realize that the BRCA gene is also associated with …


5 Tips For a Better Mammogram

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends women get a mammogram each year after age 40. Here are 5 tips the ACS recommends to make your experience better. 1. LOCATION: Find a center that specializes in mammograms and certified by the US Food and Drug Administration. You can ask to see that certificate when you register …


Breast Cancer Risk Factors You Should Know

The breast cancer risk assessment tool, also called the Gail Model, is intended for doctors and not the general public, but you should definitely know about to talk with your doctor. It estimates a woman’s risk of developing invasive breast cancer.   Invasive breast cancer is cancer that has spread from where it started in …


Egg Cells Still Develop in Menopause

A new study in Nature Medicine further proved the initial work of Jonathan Tilly of Mass General Hospital that the initial number of eggs a woman is born with do not run out, but rather continue to be produced as the woman ages. The impact of this article is that as new research develops, it …


Alternative Approaches to HRT

It’s new years but hot flashes get old in a hurry. Estrogen can work for most women with low estrogen, but many women can’t take it and others just prefer an alternative route. Fortunately, there are things you can do that help reduce the hot flashes for many women. Here are some suggestions I make …


Benefits of Flaxseed for Hot Flashes

Since HRT carries hormone side effects, I’m constantly looking for the best alternative treatment to use for low estrogen in menopause. This is particularly true for women with breast cancer. The results seem to always be mixed for alternative treatments and the benefits of flaxseed is no exception. Flaxseeds contain a plant estrogen or phytoestrogen. …


Mammogram Song and Video

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and every women should be sure she is up to date on her breast exam and her mammogram. A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray exam of the breasts that can find abnormal changes in breast tissue that cannot be felt during a breast exam. It is used for women …

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