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Healthy Halloween: How to Turn Trick or Treat into Healthy Eats to Fight Obesity

It’s Halloween, and according to the US Census Bureau, 41 million trick-or-treaters between ages 5 and 14 will be flooding neighborhoods across America. Costumed children will joyously fill their coiffures with “Halloween gold.” Of course I’m talking about candy and at the center of the Halloween excitement is about $6.86 billion worth of purchased decorations, …


Heart Attacks in Menopausal Women

When I ask my menopause patients if they know the symptoms of a heart attack, the answer is usually, “No,” or they think of crushing chest pain. But chest pain or pain going down one or both arms is much more common in men than in women. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death …


Mammogram Song and Video

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and every women should be sure she is up to date on her breast exam and her mammogram. A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray exam of the breasts that can find abnormal changes in breast tissue that cannot be felt during a breast exam. It is used for women …


1 in 6 Americans are Hungry

1 in 6 Americans don’t have enough to eat. Doctor Mache explains the health issues associated with too little food and the impact it has on healthcare and the finances of the United States. Filmed at a Feeding America and Connecticut Food Bank event in Washington Depot Connecticut.


Diabetes Song


Blogging to relieve your stress

You may wonder how blogging can reduce your stress. I did too. But imagine thinking about something and getting it out of your thoughts and into the open where you can “get it off your chest” and at the same time see if it can help others and if others are thinking it too. Blogging …


North American Menopause Society Meeting

I’ve just returned from the North American Menopause Society meeting in Chicago. Many friends there and lots of great content. I’ll be writing about some of the things I heard there in the next week. Stay tuned. One thing is certain, there is a real possibility for 60 to be the new 50 or even …


Breast Cancer Tips

This is breast cancer month. It’s one of the most scary diagnosis a woman can have and for many it is not well understood. Here is a link to an article that makes understanding breast cancer very clear. It’s always a good thing to understand a disease. Knowlege is the best way to both make …


Obesity and our Genes

Today a new study came out linking obesity to our genes It’s interesting findings and may contribute to the explosion of obesity we are seeing in the US and now world wide. But it’s hard to see how 2% of people with all these genetic mutation can cause two thirds of the country to be …


Tips to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the major health issues facing the United States. By 2025 it is anticipated that 300 million people will have Diabetes type 2 world wide. Here is an easy to understand video of some simple things you can do to prevent Type 2 Diabetes.

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