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Dr. Mache Joins Huffington Post

I’m delighted to tell you that I’ve been asked to blog for the Huffington Post. My first blog post was just featured and received a lot of attention. I think you’ll find it interesting. Click here to read it.


Just a little heart attack

I saw this video about heart attacks in women on YouTube.   Here is another great video to showcase heart attacks in women. Check it out. It could save your life. For more information on medical emergencies, read Save Your Life, What to do in a Medical Emergency and learn what is a medical emergency, …


Smoking Leads to Early Menopause

It’s bad enough that every cigarette you smoke shaves about 7 minutes from your life. But now comes another review in the February 2012 issue of Menopause that shows smoking lowers the age of natural menopause. First the background. Natural menopause, the kind that happens from normal aging and not from surgery or chemotherapy, happens …


Baby After 40?

Women are waiting longer today to have their first baby. And even in the best of conditions, making a baby can take time; up to one year. For young women, fertility begins to fall off after age 27. The research shows that for women between the ages of 19 and 26, the chances of conceiving …


One Doctor's Quest to Change Medicine Through Song

Great article by Carey Goldberg on CommonHealth about using music to change our relationship with patients and our approach to healthcare. It’s all part of a triple aim put forward by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to provide better health, better health care and lower cost.


Increased Risk of STDs among 50+

The boomers or gaining in numbers and so is their incidence of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Maybe it’s all the Viagra giving sex a greater likelihood of occurring with aging. Since pregnancy isn’t an issue, people might just not be thinking about STDs. Seems they should be. For additional info.  Click here for a link to a …


HealthRock Songs Help Engage Docs and Patients

Today I gave Grand Rounds at Mass General Hospital to a group of Ob/Gyn doctors. I spoke about the need for the medical community to interact more with patients, engage them and change the way we have been doing things to create a community of caring. I’ll be talking more about that in future posts, …


Women's Sexuality in Menopause

A few years ago Karen Giblin asked me to write a theme song called Red Hot Mama for her Red Hot Mama’s menopause organization. One of the lines in it goes – “Just because I’m in the ‘Pause doesn’t mean I’m dead.” That line underscores what a number of studies show; that sexual activity is alive …


New Study on Sexual Satisfaction in Older Women: Use It, Don't Lose It

Aging Americans can and do enjoy high levels of sexual satisfaction. A new study published in the January 2012 issue of the American Journal of Medicine on sexual activity in older American women contained both good news and potential concerns. The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine study,[1] followed 806 older women in …


Rape: What Every Woman, And Man, Should Know

Rape is a topic most victims avoid. So much so you’d think it doesn’t happen. Perpetrators uniformly deny it so it seems no one would ever do it. But it happens often, victims suffer deep scars, and perpetrators typically get off without a scratch (see below). A new law is the beginning of that changing. …

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