Got Hot Flashes!
It’s the most common symptom facing women in perimenopause and menopause.
And it’s so disruptive.
What do hot flashes affect???
Everything!!! Sleep, work, concentration, and even emotions.
It’s no fun to be doing a presentation or being with a group of friends or co-workers, and suddenly starting to feel hot and sweaty and looking all blotchy and red. Not to mention how crummy it feels. It’s one of the most common topics organizations invite me to speak about.
Today there is some great news. A new bioidentical estrogen and progesterone combination was approved by the FDA for hot flashes.
It’s called Bijuva.
It contains 1 mg of estradiol and 100 mg of progesterone.
Bijuva is the first combined estrogen and progesterone FDA approved that is bioidentical.
The company, TherapeuticsMD, has had great results from its clinical trials that show it is safe and effective. It cools moderate to severe hot flashes and protects the lining of the uterus from risks of uterine cancer. Bijuva will be available by prescription to everyone in the second quarter of 2019.
At that time you can ask your healthcare provider if Bijuva is right for you.
In the meantime, if you are struggling with Hot Flashes and looking for a resource that will help you understand your options and how to discuss them with your healthcare provider, visit www.HotFlashRescueKit.com.
You can get this essential tool for only $19.95. Visit HotFlashRescueKit.com now and start finding out how to talk with your doctor about hot flashes and discover things you can start doing today to cool down the heat.