
11 Health Optimizers to Fine Tune Your Body: Part II

No one wants to go to the doctor. It takes time, it is not pleasant, and sometimes the procedures can be painful, but the benefits outweigh the negatives. Last time I shared with you some exams and measurements to keep you health. Today I’d like to share with you part two of my health optimizers …


Breast Cancer and Risk of Radiation on Your Heart

A new article in the New England Journal of Medicine that came out today showed that women who receive radiotherapy for breast cancer have a higher risk of ischemic heart disease. The authors studied 2168 women who had radiotherapy for breast cancer between 1958 and 2001 in Sweden and Denmark. Within 5 years of receiving …


Long Term Life Insurance – What You Need to Know

Long term life insurance is one of those things that many people wish they had purchased if and when they need it; but many of my patients really don’t understand what it is, why they need it or when to buy it. For that reason, I created a video that answers those question so you …


Diabetic Heart Disease – Bypass Better Than Stent – Freedom Study

For people with diabetes, heart disease is one of the most serious complications. And people with heart disease and partially blocked arteries often are candidates for preventing a heart attack. the choices for now are doing open heart surgery and bypassing the blocked artery by removing it and sewing in a segment of vein from …


Heart Attacks in Women – What You Need To Know

I want to share this interview I did with Puja Mehta, a cardiologist at the Barbara Streisand Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Here she discusses heart attacks in women and what you need to know. Men and women have such different symptoms that many women don’t realize that symptoms like nausea or neck pain or indigestion could …


New Kronos KEEPS Study Finds Estrogen Safe for Menopause

Ten years ago the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study changed our view of how to treat low estrogen. The study of 161,880 postmenopausal women questioned the safety of estrogen. The study found that there was a higher risk of breast cancer, stroke, heart attack and blood clots among women who took estrogen compared to women …


Vitamin D Prevents Heart Disease in Menopause

Your always hearing people talking about vitamins. The term comes from the words vital and amines – vitamins. These are substances that your body needs to live and be healthy. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that your body can make; the other vitamins must be either eaten with foods or taken as a supplement. …


What the Dalai Lama Says About Stress

Click Here for a FREE eBook on my best STRESS BUSTERS tips. Please Like the post and share with friends.


Americans Don't Know What To Do In A Medical Emergency

Would you know what to do in a medical emergency? What about some type of disaster? If you’re like half of Americans recently surveyed by Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation and reported by Mary Elizabeth Dallas, you don’t have a first-aid kit (44% don’t) or emergency supplies in case of a catastrophe (48%). That …


Sodas Increase Heart Attack, Diabetes

Sodas were again in the news and this time for increasing the risk of heart attack and diabetes. You can see my blog post about this on FeedingAmerica.org. As you’ll see, cutting back on sodas or cutting them out altogether might be the most important health decision you make. Here is my video on sodas …

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