Divorce On the Rise in 50+ Couples


There is increasing discussion about divorce in the over 50 couple group – because it is outpacing divorce in other age groups.

While the overall divorce rate is declining since the 1980s, divorce among those over 50 is the highest ever – so called “gray divorce.” This rise is from only 10% of divorces for those over 50 in 1990 to 40% in 2009. There were more than 600,000 over 50 divorces in 2009 alone and expected to top 800,000/year.

And according to AARP, it’s more the women than the men that initiate it – 66% of the time.

Those that have been married once before doubles the risk of another divorce.

So where does this leave us? Vulnerable. Some marriages are unhealthy and are better off ending. But where there is potential, it speaks to the need to continue renewing ones relationship, to make time to grow both individually and together, or risk the fact that your marriage will grow apart.

Work with a professional. Consider the financial reality of your assets divided by half. How does this affect your health insurance?

It also speaks to the fact that since second marriages are far from a perfect solution (they have double the risk to end in divorce), it may be time to get happy with the person in the mirror. Good relationships with others usually follow.

Image from WSJ

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