Tag - vitamin D


Part I: Twelve Essential Tests for Menopausal Women

So many things are changing during perimenopause and perimenopause that it can be difficult to know what is normal and what is not. Every day can be a new experience – not necessarily a bad one. That is why it is so important to keep a close eye on your health. With so many years …


Vitamin D Prevents Heart Disease in Menopause

Your always hearing people talking about vitamins. The term comes from the words vital and amines – vitamins. These are substances that your body needs to live and be healthy. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that your body can make; the other vitamins must be either eaten with foods or taken as a supplement. …


Menopause Brains Require Eating Healthy

If you really want a healthy brain in menopause and beyond, a recent study in the Neurology shows that you must eat healthy. It’s not just a single vitamin that causes brain power to dip to cognitive decline. Both good and bad brain health is caused in part by what you eat. The people in this …