Tag - Father’s Day song


My Old Man: Original Father’s Day Song

I wrote this song a few years ago as a tribute to my dad. As the holiday is closing out, I wanted to share this song. It’s called My Old Man. Hope you enjoy it! ©Mache Seibel


My Old Man: Original Father’s Day Song

Happy Father’s Day! Every year at this time I think of my Dad. After he passed, I wrote this tribute to him. I hope you enjoy it! It’s called My Old Man. You can find more of my music at https://healthrock.bandcamp.com/music


Music Monday: My Old Man – An Original Father’s Day Song

I wrote this song to honor and remember my father.   He was like a Superhero to me – Strong, smart, and super-supportive.   I wrote this song in his honor. Maybe you’ll find parts of this song that remind you of your dad.   Although I’ve recorded it myself, a few years ago, I …