Many women think hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain are inevitable when they hit menopause. But with today’s available treatments, you can reduce – and even eliminate – menopause symptoms. Research has shown that you may even be able to protect yourself from breast cancer, heart disease and dementia.
To maximize your protection and benefits, however, you must use the strategies during certain windows of opportunity. Some strategies can and should be put to use during perimenopause, the decade leading up to full-blown menopause. Other strategies can be used safely during and after menopause, while still others should be scaled back, modified or discontinued after menopause to avoid unnecessarily increasing your risk of certain diseases.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is one such treatment. In 2002, a Women’s Health Initiative study showed a link between HRT and breast cancer. Millions of women abandoned their HRT as a result.
The problem is that the data was flawed. Subsequent studies revealed that HRT does protect against breast cancer – as long as it is used properly and used during a particular window of opportunity.
Whether you’re in full-blown menopause, you’ve already gone through “the Change” or you’re (knock on wood) years away from menopause, there are strategies you can use to protect your health. I’m hosting a free educational Teleseminar, Navigating the Change: Common Myths and Overlooked Facts that Radically Impact the Menopause Experience, to clear up the misconceptions and offer practical guidance about what treatments to discuss with your doctor.
I’m hosting the Teleseminar several times. To find a time that works with your schedule and to register, please visit www.MenopauseBreakthroughPlan.com.