Today in the United States, about 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety; worldwide, according to the WHO, 300 million have an anxiety disorder. That’s a lot of anxiety. And it’s no wonder. Covid19, the economy, racial equality, political rancor, and fear of even going to the doctor in a pandemic are just some of the major reasons people are so anxious.
Several years ago I wrote a CD of music to address anxiety and sleep. I wrote it at that time because my father-in-law was going through chemotherapy for cancer treatment and the medication was so unpleasant that he couldn’t sleep. He asked me if there was any music that I had written that might help.
I did a lot of research on what was the most effective way to help people sleep and to feel calm. It turns out there are certain musical keys, especially if structured in the optimal way and at a certain tempo, that can help sleep and anxiety. The end result was an album called Lullabies for Kids of All Ages. The album originally became a favorite of children as a bedtime selection that both the kids and the parents enjoyed. Many parents have told me that for years, their kids only wanted that album.
Today Lullabies for Kids of All Ages is used in doctor’s offices, mammogram centers, radiation centers and other places. One selection from the album is A Painted Pony. My imagination envisioned a small child on a rocking horse and the music has a subtle western motif. It’s performed by pianist Ben Schwendener, and Lake Street Dive bassist Bridget Kearney and drummer Mike Calabrese.
Click Here to hear A Painted Pony. For more of my music, visit https://HealthRock.Bandcamp.com/music. While your listening, take a few minutes to sit down comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few slow, deep breathes.