Category - Cancer


Mammogram Song and Video

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and every women should be sure she is up to date on her breast exam and her mammogram. A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray exam of the breasts that can find abnormal changes in breast tissue that cannot be felt during a breast exam. It is used for women …


Breast Cancer Tips

This is breast cancer month. It’s one of the most scary diagnosis a woman can have and for many it is not well understood. Here is a link to an article that makes understanding breast cancer very clear. It’s always a good thing to understand a disease. Knowlege is the best way to both make …


Prostate Cancer – Which men to treat

Roughly 1 in 6 men will eventually get prostate cancer and 32,000 men die from it each year. That makes it the second leading cause of death in men due to cancer after lung cancer. But who should be treated? Many men will die of other causes unless the tumor is particularly aggressive.Now researchers have …


Cancer Patients Benefit From Talking With Other Patients

Evangelos S. GragoudasDuring a routine eye exam, the Opthalmologist found a dark spot in my wife’s right eye and and feared it could be a melanoma. These cancers are very dangerous and are usually found on the skin. But rarely, they can be found in the eye. So for Valentines Day my wife and I …

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