The women’s shoe industry is nearly $40 billion annually. Women love shopping for them. But the pleasure of that cute new pair may not be worth it. A recent article offered experts opinions on the down-side of high heels.
High heels can cause pain and injury to your feet, legs and back. The high heels affect the way you walk and that can lead to back pain, bunions and hammertoes. Other potential health risks of high heals include:
- foot and ankle swelling
- nerve damage
- pain in the heels and balls of feet.
Here are some suggestions to keep in mind when you go shopping for the next cute pair of shoes:
- buy wider heels to distribute the pressure
- give your toes some wiggle room
- shop at the end of the day when your feet are often larger
- particularly if you shop online, get regular feet measurements to see it your feet have gotten bigger
- don’t buy shoes that pinch, even a little; they will likely get worse over time
- finally and most importantly, don’t buy heels over 2 inches high that owes the stress on your knees.
That’s the low down on high heels. Click here for my 3 free video series containing more health tips on how to plan for your annual exam, test results you must know to stay well, and 5 health tips to jump start your health today.