My Birthday – A Poem About Viewing The Passage of Time in a Different Way

My Birthday – A Poem About Viewing The Passage of Time in a Different Way

Yesterday was my birthday.

Maybe on your last birthday, you were thinking about how quickly life passes and what you could do to slow down the pace.

I was doing that, too, which made me think about changing my perspective on time and how I spend it. I hope you enjoy it.

My Birthday

I tried to stop

The hands on my clock

But they kept going tick tock, tick tock

The hands of time are really strong

And always break the lock

They always break the lock


I tried to clip

The wings of time

But they keep

flying by

Faster and faster and faster and faster

Every time I try


I tried putting brakes

On the calendar pages

So they would slow down or stop flippin’

But they kept flippin’ by

In the wink of an eye

‘Cause brakes on time keep slippin’


So instead of spending

All my time

Racing to make time go slow

I slowed myself down

To figure out

How to find joy and grow


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