The Facts About Weight Gain with Dr. Emma


Two out of three women are challenged with weight issues. About 1/3 of Americans are overweight and 1/3 are obese. I recently interviewed Dr. Sheri Emma, a specialist in weight loss, health and nutritional science, about weight gain in women. She shared with me the reasons behind weight gain and the affect that hormones have on women as they reach their early 40’s.

When asked why she thinks so many women suffer with weight, Dr. Emma explained that women who come to see her in their early 40s often have the same issues with weight. She claims that ; “The things that they have been doing to keep weight off for years like eating right and exercising, are not working anymore.”  They notice that the weight is slowly creeping up on them. Dr. Emma explains that once women reach their forties, she talks to them about hormones. Although women might be cycling normally and their health has otherwise stayed unchanged, they may be experiencing a dip in their usual hormones and that is thereby affecting their metabolism.

In the interview, Dr. Emma talks to me more about the changing of hormones such as insulin, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, and adrenal hormones and the relationship between these hormones and weight gain.

To hear the full interview, visit my My Menopause Radio Interview with Dr. Emma

Until next time,

Dr. Mache Seibel, Founder of My Menopause Magazine

Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Founder My Menopause Magazine

(617) 916-1880


PS: Find more information of this type in My Menopause Magazine, available for the iPad in the Apple Newsstand.

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