What do you do in the last 15 minutes before work ends?
It’s been a long day. You glance at the clock and see it’s 15 minutes till time to go and you want to wrap things up.
Of course, if you start to think about it, the day won’t end for a lot longer than 15 minutes no matter what time it is, because work is a continuum; there’s always more to do.
But so is life outside of work. And that’s important to remember for work life balance.
So here are 3 suggestions for what to do to make the most out of the last 15 minutes of your work day:
- Make a short list of 1 to 3 things you accomplished today that you feel good about. They don’t have to be huge things, just things that had to get done and you did them. Was there one in particular you felt proud of? Take a minute and feel good about that.
- Make a list of the top 3 things you have to get done tomorrow. You can add more, but include as the top 3 the things that have to get done and you can either complete them or complete a portion of them that will make it possible to pick up the next day and complete.
- Take a moment to transition. Was there anything you were supposed to pick up on the way home, or mail, or drop off?
Now it’s time to put a smile on your face. Say goodby to co-workers, and think about work life balance.
Tomorrow, rinse and repeat.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Mache
Mache Seibel, MD
Founder of MenopauseCoaching.com
Author of the best selling books The Estrogen Window and The Estrogen Fix